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Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

The power is knoldge

The Power Is Knowledge

Desire for power is inherent in man. He is born and dies with it. The new born baby assert his power by a shrill cry. The dying man exercise it by willing a way his property. This craving for power assumes different shapes with different men. Some want it in the form of rank, some in the shape of authority, some in rich and other in liberty to do as they like. This desire for power seems quite in keeping with the biblical origin of man, which says that man was given after his creation “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all creatures on the earth.” What wonder is a man endowed with this sense of authority by God would crave for it throughout his life?
                The history of the world, so far as man is concerned, is a history of the struggle for power, behind the vendetta of the savage the blood feuds of the primitive tribes and the wars of civilized men, there is present one and only one idea-the assertion of power.
                This power for which man stakes so much is of two kinds, physical and mental. The power of sinews and muscles (either of and individual or of a combination of individuals) is physical; the power which is generated in the mind is mental power. When a strong athlete throws down his opponent or when an army ravages a country we at once understand what is physical power. But when a man commands my love and respect, when he rules and controls the destiny of a nation without the help of physical force, we at once feel what is mental power. Gamma’s wrestling with the champion of the other part of the world is an exhibition of physical strength. Mr. Gandhi stirring to it’s very depths the soul of India by fasting in a lonely prison house, is an example of mental strength. Before the down of civilization, primitive men mainly understood one kinds of power and that was physical. Strength of arms decided things and right was might. Physical strength was the standard of all so called moral judgements. A better state of things came when the principle an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Was abandoned for trials by ordeal. Gradually as civilization advanced, the mind of man developed. The power of mind came to be recognized as of superior order.
                This power of mind, which is engendered by an accumulation of more and more knowledge, has achieved marvels in the world. All the great discoveries and inventation on which modern life is based are but acquisitions of knowledge.
                The inventation of gun powder which has enabled civilized nation to countries and establish large empires, the conquest over the forces of nature and harnessing those forces to man’s use the breaking down of barriers between man and man and the conquest realization of the affinity of man all over the world, the development of art, science and civilization, all these facts ultimately depend upon mental power.
                Nature has yielded her mysteries to this power and God has revealed Himself to man through knowledge. It has given him physical power and spiritual strength at one and the same time.
                A few illustration of the power of knowledge will suffice. The building of a hut was regarded as an achievement by the primitive man, the construction of a sky-scraper is now within the easy reach of the modern man. The uncivilized man thrice worshipped his deity before he could go a few hundred yards in his rude canoe, the man of to-day is daily crossing the ocean with wonder at the “speaking chip” which carried the thought of one man to another a few miles away. The man of to-day is transmitting message across continents without any ‘chip’ or visible medium.
                Not only over physical nature, but also over the animal kingdom, a man has asserted his power. We know more of the ways of the tiger, the lion and insect than were known to our ancestors. We have also penetrated into the heart of man and learnt to read his thoughts. In a word, what was once thought impossible or miraculous is now an easy thing and what to-day is a mystery will be an open truth within the course of a few hundred years.
                Man has thus gained immensely in mental strength. His art and literature, his philosophy and religion, his laws ad institutions all reveal the power of knowledge. Behind our admiration for poets, philosophers and scientist lies our tribute to the power of knowledge. We respect and adore them because we feelthat they are more blessed with knowledge than the average man. Hero-worship is but worship of knowledge. We are told in the Northern Sagas that Wotan gave one of his eyes to the giant Mimir for a draught from the fountain of knowledge. The men of to-day are sacrificing even their lives for such a thing. They are martyrs to knowledge, the wonderful power of which has achieved marvels for men in the physical world.
                But great as is the power of knowledge we should not use this power gain mere material advantages. That would be worshipping the false god. That will fill us with pride and take away real blessings. Hence, is the necessity of using knowledge for higher ends-for knowing ourselves and our Maker. We must try to transmute knowledge into wisdom, for :
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more
                It is only when we have realized this, that we get desire to follow knowledge like a sinking star beyond the utmost bound of human thought and we shall then realize the truth of the prophet Ayyub’s sorrow that spiritual strength is after all the true strength.
                So we see that knowledge gives us not only power over the physical universe, but also over mind. Hence it should be the aim of our life to increase this mental power by the help of knowledge. The rank of a man should be determined not according to his wealth or position or strength of muscles, but according to the degree of knowledge he has got. It is only when mankind has realized this, that the world will be controlled and ruled by the power of mind or knowledge and not by physical force. We shall then feel that knowledge is power.


Keinginan untuk kekuasaan yang melekat dalam diri manusia. Ia lahir dan mati dengan itu. Bayi yang baru lahir menegaskan itu dengan menangis melengking. Orang sekarat latihan dengan cara bersedia miliknya. Ini keinginan untuk daya mengasumsikan bentuk yang berbeda dengan laki-laki yang berbeda. Beberapa menginginkannya dalam bentuk pangkat, sebagian dalam bentuk otoritas, beberapa kaya dan lainnya dalam kebebasan untuk melakukan apa yang mereka suka. Keinginan untuk kekuasaan tampaknya cukup sesuai dengan asal alkitabiah manusia, yang mengatakan bahwa manusia diberikan setelah ciptaan-Nya, Äúdominion atas ikan di laut, dan atas unggas di udara, dan atas ternak dan atas semua makhluk di bumi, bagaimana manusia diberkahi dengan rasa otoritas oleh Allah akan mendambakan untuk itu sepanjang hidupnya?.
Sejarah dunia, sejauh manusia yang bersangkutan, adalah sejarah perebutan kekuasaan, di balik dendam dari pertikaian buas darah suku primitif dan perang manusia beradab, ada satu yang hadir dan hanya satu ide -pernyataan kekuasaan.
Kekuatan ini yang taruhannya manusia begitu banyak adalah dari dua jenis, fisik dan mental. Kekuatan otot dan otot (baik dari dan individu atau kombinasi dari individu) adalah fisik, daya yang dihasilkan dalam pikiran adalah kekuatan mental. Ketika seorang atlet yang kuat melempar lawannya atau ketika tentara membela suatu  negara ,kita dapat  memahami apa yang disebut  kekuatan fisik. Tapi ketika seorang memerintah cinta dan hormat, saat ia memerintah dan mengontrol nasib sebuah bangsa tanpa kekuatan fisik, kita  merasakan  kekuatan mental. Gamma, bergulat dengan juara bagian lain dunia merupakan pameran kekuatan fisik. Tuan Gandhi menggemparkan pedalaman  India dengan berpuasa menyendiri di rumah penjara , merupakan  contoh dari kekuatan mental. Sebelum turun peradaban, manusia primitif terutama memahami salah satu jenis kekuasaan , yaitu kekuatan  fisik. Kekuatan senjata memutuskan benda dan itu sebenarnya  kekuatan. Kekuatan fisik adalah standar dari semua yang disebut penilaian moral. Sebuah keadaan yang lebih baik dari hal-hal yang datang ketika prinsip mata ganti mata, gigi ganti gigi., memutuskan cobaan dengan cobaan. Secara bertahap sebagai peradaban yang  maju, pikiran manusia berkembang. Kekuatan pikiran datang untuk diakui sebagai tatanan superior.
kekuatan pikiran ini, yang mana ditimbulkan oleh akumulasi pengetahuan lebih dan lebih, telah mencapai keajaiban di dunia. Semua penemuan besar dan ciptaan  kehidupan modern didasarkan  akuisisi pengetahuan saja.
Penciptaan bubuk senjata yang telah memungkinkan bangsa beradab untuk negara dan membangun kerajaan yang besar, penaklukan atas kekuatan alam dan memanfaatkan kekuatan-kekuatan kepada manusia,  menggunakan  hambatan antara manusia dan manusia dan merealisasikan penaklukan afinitas Orang di seluruh dunia, perkembangan seni, ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban, semua fakta ini pada akhirnya tergantung pada kekuatan mental.
Alam telah menghasilkan misteri ke kekuatan ini dan Allah telah mengungkapkan diriNya kepada manusia melalui pengetahuan. Ini telah memberi kekuatan fisik dan kekuatan spiritual pada satu waktu yang sama.
Sebuah ilustrasi beberapa kekuatan pengetahuan akan cukup. Pembangunan pondok dianggap sebagai prestasi oleh manusia primitif, pembangunan pencakar langit-sekarang dalam jangkauan mudah dari manusia modern. Orang beradab tiga kali menyembah dewa sebelum ia bisa pergi beberapa ratus meter di kano kasar,seseorang setiap hari menyeberangi lautan dengan ketakjuban akan, perkataan kepingan,  yang mana membawa pemikiran dari seseorang terhadap orang lain beberapa mil jauhnya. Seseorang setiap harinya  transmisi pesan melewati benua tanpa sumbing  atau menggunakan perantara.
Tidak hanya atas alam fisik, tetapi juga atas kerajaan binatang, seorang telah menegaskan kekuasaannya. Kami tahu lebih banyak dari cara harimau, singa dan serangga daripada yang diketahui nenek moyang kita. Kami juga telah merambah ke dalam hati manusia dan belajar membaca pikirannya. Dengan kata lain, apa yang pernah dianggap mustahil atau ajaib sekarang merupakan hal yang mudah dan hari ini adalah sebuah misteri akan menjadi kebenaran terbuka dalam perjalanan beberapa ratus tahun.
Manusia demikian memperoleh  dalam kekuatan mental. Seni dan sastra, filsafat dan agama, hukum nya lembaga semua mengungkapkan kekuatan pengetahuan. Di balik kekaguman kami bagi para penyair, filsuf dan ilmuwan terletak penghormatan kita pada kekuatan pengetahuan. Kami menghormati dan memuja mereka karena kita merasakannya , mereka lebih diberkati dengan pengetahuan daripada kebanyakan orang. Pahlawan-ibadah hanyalah menyembah pengetahuan. Kita diberitahu dalam kisah-kisah Utara yaitu Wotan memberikan salah satu matanya ke Mimir raksasa untuk rancangan dari air mancur pengetahuan. Orang-orang dulu mengorbankan  nyawa mereka untuk hal seperti itu. Mereka adalah martir untuk pengetahuan, kekuatan indah yang telah mencapai keajaiban untuk fisik manusia di dunia.
Tapi besar sebagai kekuatan pengetahuan kita tidak harus menggunakan kekuatan ini untuk mendapatkan keuntungan materi belaka. Itu akan menyembah dewa palsu. Yang akan mengisi kita dengan bangga dan mengambil berkat yang nyata. Oleh karena itu, adalah perlunya menggunakan pengetahuan untuk lebih tujuan-untuk mengetahui diri kita sendiri dan Pencipta kita. Kita harus mencoba untuk mentransmutasikan pengetahuan menjadi kebijaksanaan, untuk:
Pengetahuan adalah kebanggaan  bahwa  telah belajar banyak
Kebijaksanaan adalah rendah hati bahwa tidak berlebih
Hanya ketika kita telah menyadari hal ini, yang kita dapatkan keinginan untuk mengikuti pengetahuan seperti bintang tenggelam di luar paling terikat pemikiran manusia dan kita kemudian akan menyadari kebenaran Nabi Ayyub,  kesedihan bahwa kekuatan spiritual adalah setelah semua kekuatan sejati .
J              adi kita melihat bahwa pengetahuan memberi kita tidak hanya kuasa atas alam semesta fisik, tetapi juga atas pikiran. Oleh karena itu harus menjadi tujuan hidup kita ini untuk meningkatkan kekuatan mental dengan bantuan pengetahuan. Pangkat seorang manusia  ditentukan tidak sesuai dengan kekayaannya atau posisi atau kekuatan otot, tetapi menurut tingkat pengetahuan yang ia punya. Hal ini hanya ketika manusia telah menyadari hal ini, bahwa dunia akan dikendalikan dan dikuasai oleh kekuatan pikiran atau pengetahuan dan bukan oleh kekuatan fisik. Kami kemudian akan merasa bahwa pengetahuan adalah kekuatan.
Knowledge helps us make informed decisions. Knowledge is not necessarily gleaned from books in a classroom. It could come from experience, sometimes it can come from just watching other people’s lives.
With knowledge ones potential increases. Sometimes people are hesitant to share information as they consider that some advantage can be gained through the use or manipulation of knowledge.
The whole mystery behind magic was unravelled by science. If it wouldn’t have been for scientific knowledge we would still be depending on shamans for cures. The more we learn the more we grow. Knowledge is never wasted. Somehow, someday you will put it to use. Wisdom grows on the strength of knowledge, so we must spend all our lives procuring knowledge
Definition: Power is the time rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In calculus terms, power is the derivative of work with respect to time.
1. Ability to cause or prevent an action, make things happen; the discretion to act or not act. Opposite of disability, it differs from a right in that it has no accompanying duties.
2. Law: (1) An instrument transferring or vesting legal authorization. (2) The ability conferred on a person by law to determine and alter (by his or her own will) the rights, duties, liabilities, and other legal relations, of himself or others.
Power is frequently defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others with or without resistance. The term authority is often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Power can be seen as evil or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings. In the corporate environment, power is often expressed as upward or downward. With downward power, a company's superior influences subordinates. When a company exerts upward power, it is the subordinates who influence the decisions of the leader (Greiner & Schein, 1988).

Definition of knowledge is:
1. General: Human faculty resulting from interpreted information; understanding that germinates from combination of data, information, experience, and individual interpretation. Variously defined as, "Things that are held to be true in a given context and that drive us to action if there were no impediments" (Andre Boudreau). "Capacity to act" (Karl Sweiby). "Justified true belief that increases an entity's capacity for effective action" (Nonaka and Takeuchi). "The perception of the agreement or disagreement of two ideas" (John Locke). In an organizational context, knowledge is the sum of what is known and resides in the intelligence and the competence of people. In recent years, knowledge has come to be recognized as a factor of production (see knowledge capital) in its own right, and distinct from labor.
2. Law: Awareness or understanding of a circumstance or fact, gained through association or experience.
Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information,descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); it can be more or less formal or systematic 

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